Sick.. Of Being Sick!

Thursday, November 10, 2011
Sad faces x infinity :( I really hate getting sick, thankfully it doesn't happen too much. I usually get sick right around this time, with the weather being so temperamental. In the last week it's been warm, cold and SNOWING, back to warm. I'm thankful I'm already feeling a bit better, I always make sure to rest lots, drink plenty fluid and of course I have to have my soup! I'm craving my mom and dad's chicken and noodles right about...
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Tuesday, November 8, 2011
I'm so excited for new subscribers! Hi to everyone, and I checked out your blog as well :) I thought I would introduce myself and tell a little about myself. Feel free to leave your name and a random fact about yourself!  Name:  Kelsey Lynn Age:  I'll be 24 later this month! Music:  I love all types, but love rock and metal the most. Currently listening to:  Stone Sour, next is The Civil Wars Favorite shows:...
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Good Morning!

Monday, November 7, 2011
First off, good morning to everyone out there. I'm usually a night owl! Second off, thanks for the new followers, I appreciate it, sending good vibes your way :) Third, brrrrrrr... it's time to make a cup of delicious hot chocolate and catch up on some reading. ~ Kel...
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Introducing... My Fiance

Sunday, November 6, 2011
The man who goes by many names.. I formally introduce.. Eric, also known as my fiancee. I <3 him!  He's the kindest, most caring man I could ever ask for. He's been there for me and for my family when it's been the hardest. He has his little quirks.. some not so little. He's 6'4 and I'm 5'4, he's a big help when I can't reach things lol! In the middle of the night he'll wake up and give me a kiss on the cheek and says I love...
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Fall Time Welcomes Change

Since I've moved here to Missouri, I've went a good six months without a haircut, trim, color change.. wow! I had just gotten used to the stylist I had in Illinois, so I was lost. I looked for a while, and I called to set up an appointment but got blown off, so off to search again. I got lucky! A local stylist added me on Facebook and I took at a look at her hair, and knew I had to set up an appointment. I took forever looking through...
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Beauty From The Earth Swatches

Saturday, October 24, 2009
I'm going to start this off with I *love* Beauty From The Earth! I entered a contest from BFTE, and to my surprise I won! Crystal told me to send her the colors I wanted and she would ship them out, and believe me they got here quick! All of these colors are gorgeous, I can't wait to make my first purchase from Crystal. I'd have to say my favorite 3 would be - Georgia Peach blush, Sweet Niblets eyeshadow, and Rome eyeshadow. Every...
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